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The following recordings of Pimpernel have been released, to date:

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Concept Album (1992)

This concept recording features Linda Eder as Marguerite, Chuck Wagner as Percy, and Dave Clemmons as Chauvelin. Peabo Bryson sings the part of Armand. The duet "You Are My Home" (sung by Bryson and Eder) reached the top 40 A.C. Charts.

Tracks: Home Again, Into The Fire, They Seek Him Here, The Scarlet Pimpernel, When I Look At You, Marguerite Prelude, Marguerite, Madame Guillotine, The Riddle, Now When The Rain Falls, Scarlet Interlude, The Creation Of Man, Storybook, You Are My Home, I'll Forget You, Our Separate Ways, There Never Was A Time, The Pimpernel Fanfare.

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Original Broadway Cast (1998)

This recording features Douglas Sills as Percy, Christine Andreas as Marguerite, Terrence Mann as Chauvelin, and Gilles Chiasson as Armand. It was released on February 3, 1998, the day before the show had its 100th performance at the Minskoff Theatre.

Tracks: Overture, Madame Guillotine, Believe, Vivez!, Prayer, Into The Fire, Falcon In The Dive, When I Look At You, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Where's The Girl?, When I Look At You (Reprise), The Creation Of Man, Marguerite's Dilemma, The Riddle, Entr'acte, They Seek Him Here, Only Love, She Was There, Storybook, Where's The Girl? (Reprise), Lullaby, You Are My Home, The Duel, Believe (Reprise), Into The Fire (Reprise).

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Encore! (1999)

This compilation album reflects the changes to the songlist that happened as the show developed on Broadway. It features tracks from the original Broadway cast recording, plus additional selections by Rachel York as Marguerite and Rex Smith as Chauvelin.

Tracks: Overture, Storybook (Rachel York), Madame Guillotine, Prayer, Into The Fire, Falcon In The Dive (Rex Smith), The Scarlet Pimpernel, When I Look At You, Where's The Girl? (Rex Smith), When I Look At You (Reprise), The Creation Of Man, Marguerite's Dilemma, The Riddle, Entr'acte, They Seek Him Here, She Was There, Where's The Girl? (Reprise), I'll Forget You (Rachel York), Into The Fire (Reprise), You Are My Home (bonus track from the Concept Album), Ony Love (bonus track from "It's Time").

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German Highlights

The first foreign-language recording of Pimpernel comes from the production at the Opernhaus Halle, in Germany. Christoph Goetten sings Percy, Ann-Christin Elverum is Marguerite and Christopher Murray is Chauvelin. The translation is by Wolfgang Adenberg.

Tracks: Prolog (Overture); Märchenbuch (Storybook); Das Mädchen von früher (Where's The Girl?); Madame Guillotine; Ich vertrau auf dich (Believe); Gebet (Prayer); Mitten ins Feuer hinein (Into The Fire); Falke auf der Jagd (Falcon In The Dive); Der Scarlet Pimpernel (The Scarlet Pimpernel); Sehe ich dich an (When I Look At You); Sehe ich dich an (When I Look At You) (Reprise); Die Erschaffung des Mannes (The Creation Of Man); Das Verwirrspiel (The Riddle); Sie suchen hier, sie suchen dort (They Seek Him Here, They Seek Him There); Sie war immer da (She Was There); Mitten ins Feuer hinein (Into The Fire) (Reprise); Das Mädchen von früher (Where's The Girl?) (Reprise); Schlaflied (Lullaby); Du bist mein Halt (You Are My Home); Er war immer da (He Was There); Finale; Bows.

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Felsenbuehne Staatz

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Staatz Highlights

A cast recording is available from the Austrian Premiere production, presented by Felsenbuehne Staatz. Markus Neugebauer is Percy, Elisabeth Sikora is Marguerite and Werner Auer is Chauvelin, under the musical direction of Gregor Sommer. The translation is by Wolfgang Adenberg.

Tracks: Prolog (Overture); Märchenbuch (Storybook); Madame Guillotine; Du gibst mir halt (You Are My Home); Das Gebet (Prayer); Mitten ins Feuer (Into The Fire); Falke auf der Jagd (Falcon In The Dive); Der Scarlet Pimpernel (The Scarlet Pimpernel); Wenn ich dich anseh (When I Look At You); Wenn ich dich anseh (When I Look At You) (Reprise); Das Mädchen von früher (Where's The Girl?); Du gibst mir halt (You Are My Home) (Reprise); Die Erschaffung des Mannes (The Creation Of Man); Das Verwirrspiel (Teil 1) (The Riddle, Part 1 - Madame Guillotine Reprise); Das Verwirrspiel (Teil 2) (The Riddle, Part 2); Entr'acte; Wer ist der Scarlet Pimpernel (Who Is The Scarlet Pimpernel?); Sie suchen hier, sie suchen dort (They Seek Him Here, They Seek Him There); Sie war immer da (She Was There); Das Mädchen von früher (Where's The Girl?) (Reprise); Mitten ins Feuer (Into The Fire) (Reprise); Du bist bei mir (I'll Forget You); Finale (Wenn ich dich anseh) (When I Look At You); Applausmusik (Bows: Into The Fire Reprise).

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Norwegian Cast

A cast recording has been released from the Norwegian premiere production, which took place in Kolbotn, Norway from 31 October through 22 November 2007. The release is a double CD; the first disc features the primary cast of the show (Trond Teigen as Percy, Liv Ragnhild Torneberg as Marguerite and Sven Torneberg as Chauvelin), and the second disc features the alternate cast (Anders Lyseggen as Percy, Kari-Mette Nordheim as Marguerite and Sven Torneberg as Chauvelin). The Norwegian translation is by Sven Torneberg. The CD is available for purchase from Scenario (site in Norwegian, inquiries accepted in English).

Tracks - Disc One: Morgen-hornsignal & Prolog (Overture); Eventyrbok (Storybook); Madame Guillotine; Jeg Tror (Believe); Bønn (Prayer); Skapelsen av menn (The Creation of Man); Inn i ilden (Into the Fire); Når falken er på jakt (Falcon in the Dive); Hvem er Den Røde Pimpernell? (The Scarlet Pimpernel); Når jeg ser på deg (When I Look at You); Gåten - del 3 (The Riddle); Mellomakt (Entr'acte); Hvem er Den Røde Pimpernell? - reprise (Who is The Scarlet Pimpernel?); De leter her (They Seek Him Here); Ouilles gavotte; Bare kjærlighet (Only Love); Hun var der (She Was There); Vivez!; Jeg må glemme (I'll Forget You); Inn i ilden - reprise (Into the Fire - reprise); Vuggesang i fengselet (Lullaby); Du er mitt hjem (You Are My Home); Hjem igjen (Home Again).

Tracks - Disc Two: Jeg Tror (Believe); Bønn (Prayer); Skapelsen av menn (The Creation of Man); Inn i ilden (Into the Fire); Hvem er Den Røde Pimpernell? (The Scarlet Pimpernel); Når jeg ser på deg (When I Look at You); Gåten - del 3 (The Riddle); Hvem er Den Røde Pimpernell? - reprise (Who is The Scarlet Pimpernel?); De leter her (They Seek Him Here); Ouilles gavotte; Bare kjærlighet (Only Love); Hun var der (She Was There); Vivez!; Vuggesang i fengselet (Lullaby); Du er mitt hjem (You Are My Home); Hjem igjen (Home Again); Utgangsmusikk ; Inn i ilden - applausmusikk (Finale ; Into the Fire - curtain call).

Takarazuka Cast (Star Troupe)

A cast recording from the first Takarazuka production of Pimpernel is available for 4900 Yen from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video.

A DVD of the production is available for 10500 Yen from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video. The DVD includes alternate angles and two bonus tracks - one from a press conference, including discussion about the show and performances of "A Piece of Courage" and "The Riddle" (approx. 13 minutes) and the other showing rehearsal footage (approx. 10 minutes). The DVD does not include subtitles.

This production was released on Blu-ray, on 25 February 2011. It is available as a standalone release from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video, and also as part of a boxed set with the 2006 Cosmos Troupe production of Never Say Goodbye and the 2009 Moon Troupe production of Elisabeth. The boxed set of Blu-rays is also available from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video. The Blu-ray release includes the alternate angles from the DVD release, but does not include the bonus tracks.

There is also a Theme Song CD, featuring four selections from the show, available for 1500 Yen from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video.

Note: both the TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video sites are in Japanese and offer domestic shipping only. International orders can be placed through Crescent Shop. The CD and DVD are also available from Sound of Music.

The songs "A Piece of Courage" and "Days of Glory" were written for this production, with music by Frank Wildhorn and Japanese lyrics by Shuichiro Koike.

Song list: A Piece of Courage, Storybook, Madame Guillotine, You Are My Home, Wedding Dance, Prayer, Into the Fire, The Rescue, Falcon in the Dive, A Piece of Courage (Reprise), The Scarlet Pimpernel, When I Look at You, You Are My Home (Reprise), Where's the Girl?, The Creation of Man, I'll Forget You, The Riddle Part 1 (Madame Guillotine Reprise), The Riddle, Opening Act 2, They Seek Him Here, Ouilles Gavotte, Our Separate Ways, Into the Fire (Reprise), Paris a Dead City (reprise of Madame Guillotine and Falcon in the Dive), Falcon in the Dive (Reprise), Storybook (Reprise), A Piece of Courage (Reprise), She Was There, Days of Glory, The Duel, You Are My Home (Reprise).

Finale: A Piece of Courage, Into the Fire, When I Look at You, Days of Glory, Our Separate Ways.

Parade: Storybook, Into the Fire, The Creation of Man, The Riddle, You Are My Home, Where's the Girl?, When I Look at You, A Piece of Courage.

Takarazuka Cast (Moon Troupe)

Recordings of Takarazuka's 2010 Moon Troupe production of Pimpernel are now available. The double CD can be purchased from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video. The DVD can also be purchased from TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video. Note: both the TCA Pictures and Takarazuka Video sites are in Japanese and offer domestic shipping only. International orders can be placed through Crescent Shop. The CD and DVD are also available from Sound of Music.

Song list: A Piece of Courage, Storybook, Madame Guillotine, You Are My Home, Wedding Dance, Prayer, Into the Fire, The Rescue, Falcon in the Dive, A Piece of Courage (Reprise), The Scarlet Pimpernel, When I Look at You, You Are My Home (Reprise), Where's the Girl?, The Creation of Man, I'll Forget You, The Riddle Part 1 (Madame Guillotine Reprise), The Riddle, A Piece of Courage, Opening Act 2, They Seek Him Here, The Gavotte, Our Separate Ways, Into the Fire (Reprise), Paris a Dead City (reprise of Madame Guillotine and Falcon in the Dive), Falcon in the Dive (Reprise), Storybook (Reprise), A Piece of Courage (Reprise), She Was There, Days of Glory, The Duel, You Are My Home (Reprise).

Finale: A Piece of Courage, Days of Glory, The Scarlet Pimpernel, A Piece of Courage, The Riddle, Into the Fire, When I Look at You.

Parade: Storybook, Into the Fire, The Creation of Man, The Riddle, You Are My Home, Where's the Girl?, When I Look at You, A Piece of Courage.

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Concept Karaoke

A karaoke set for Pimpernel is available from Pocket Songs. The songs are presented with vocals (performed by studio singers, not the original artists), and then the tracks are repeated without the lead vocals. A lyrics book is included. The songs correspond to those on the concept album, except for "Where's The Girl" from the demo, and "Only Love" from It's Time.

Tracks: Storybook, You Are My Home, Into The Fire, When I Look At You, Where's The Girl?, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Marguerite, Now When The Rain Falls, I'll Forget You, Our Separate Ways, There Never Was A Time, Only Love.

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Broadway Karaoke

Pocket Songs has released a karaoke album which corresponds to the Original Broadway Cast Recording. The songs are presented with vocals (performed by studio singers, not the original artists), and then the tracks are repeated without the lead vocals. A lyrics book is included.

Tracks: Believe, Into The Fire, Falcon In The Dive, When I Look At You, Where's The Girl?, The Riddle, Only Love, Storybook, You Are My Home.

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The Music of Frank Wildhorn

Pocket Songs has also created a collection called "The Music of Frank Wildhorn," which includes songs from both Jekyll & Hyde and The Scarlet Pimpernel. This is a single CD with backing tracks only. The Pimpernel selections correspond to songs on the Original Broadway Cast Recording, except for "Into the Fire" and "Storybook" which correspond to the concept album. The Jekyll tracks for this recording are listed on the Jekyll website.

Pimpernel Tracks: Believe, Into The Fire, Falcon In The Dive, When I Look At You, Where's The Girl?, The Riddle, Only Love, Storybook, You Are My Home.

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